A depressão nas mulheres negras brasileiras

um estudo acerca do racismo estrutural e seu impacto psíquico


  • Jackeline Ribeiro Martins FMU


The present study sought to articulate social problems such as racism and machismo with the development of depressive disorder in black Brazilian women. To this end, it considered the unequal relationship that has been established between whites and blacks throughout history, how this relationship influenced the construction of the social imaginary about blackness and the impact of racism on the formation of black identity and subjectivity. A bibliographic review and documentary research were carried out about the social and economic conditions of black Brazilian women and the vulnerabilities to which they are subjected were analyzed. Based on psychological theories about the construction of identity, all these factors were evaluated as potentially dangerous for mental health and compared to risk factors for the development of depressive disorder. The study concluded that there is a relationship between racism and depression, one that depressive disorder is a disease of higher incidence in women and blacks, and that black Brazilian women are exposed to several social and cultural vulnerabilities that are classified as risk factors for the development of depression.

Keywords: depression, feminism, gender, psychology

