Love and Sexuality: Possible Articulations in Freud and Lacan

uma articulação para além do prazer genital


  • Maria Teixeira da Silva Santos FMU - Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas


The dimension of desire, symbolic and self-esteem are related to psychosexual development, and for Freud Sexuality is not merely genital. The objective of this study is to analyse the possibilities of articulting the theoretical concepts related to love and Sexuality in Freud and Lacan, focusing on the drive theory. In this sense, the concept of the life drive, - the self-preservating instincts linked to the sexual ones, the concept of the death drive, - the destrutive tendencies of the man who lives in Society. Concepts related to the functioning of the regulating psychic instances of the mind will also be considered, such as – id, ego and superego. It is an exploratory research, carried out based on a bibliographic survey, and the perspective of data treatment will be qualitative. Therefore, the considerations made in the work intertwine and complement each other in the sections articulating concepts and theories seeking a greater understanding of the theme in front of the authors and the complexity of their works.    

