O trauma e o desvalimento em psicanálise

contribuições da teoria das relações objetais


  • Felipe Paulino de Lima FMU


Scholars of object relations, one of the theoretical strands of psychoanalysis, examine metapsychological and clinical issues in terms of the vicissitudes of drives and their interaction with internalized object relations, conceiving the psychic apparatus as originating from the most remote stage of a sequence of object relations internalizations, embracing life and death drives, finding mental expression in the forms of unconscious phantasy, which exist from the beginning of life. The reflexive objective of this work is to understand the relationship between trauma and its ontogeny with helplessness, as well as the state of psychic helplessness based on the contributions of object relations theory. The theoretical essay was used as a methodology to understand the phenomena of trauma and helplessness, placing helplessness as their intersection. In short, it was possible to observe, from the analyzed studies, that the imperative of helplessness states, after the irruption of traumatic events, condition the subject to grow up without his objects, when there is a lack of the good object, becoming a subject emptiness, taking with it the experience of abandonment and frustrated relationships in the absence. It was also verified that the helpless subject looks for in the other, in the external object, something that he does not have and in the face of this absence.

