Post-covid-19 Rehabilitation Program of the Integrated Clinic of the Health Sciences' School at FMU (CIECS) – Report of experience


  • Alessandra Gasparello Viviani FMU
  • Juliana Leandro
  • Sheila Rodrigues
  • Fernanda Insaurralde
  • Thiago Ferreira


Abstract:This article aims to report the experience of the post-covid care program in Patients treated at the Integrated Clinic of the Health Sciences ' School - CIECS FMU, during the year of 2021. The program lasted for 2 years and provided health care to the community. This article brings the description of the organization and also the clinical conduction thay was adopted and carried out by the students of the health courses involved. The Rehabilitation program was created by Physiotherapy, Psychology, Pharmacy and Physical Education courses. Patients received weekly interprofessional assessment. The Physical Therapy sessions were focused on the Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation process. Psychology sessions were held weekly. Fortnightly shifts of pharmacy students for pharmacotherapeutic care and, final guidance, with the Physical Education professional.
Descriptors: COVID19, patient care team, post-acute COVID-19 syndrome, rehabilitation services

