Compliance in small and medium enterprises: a case study on the Aduaneira Company


  • Silvana Chiaretto Universidade Fumec
  • Carolina Pinheiro Batista Universidade Fumec
  • Gustavo Rodrigues Barbosa Universidade Fumec


Information management, Compliance, Company trade.


The compliance practices adopted by Aduaneira (fake name), a company that operates in the segment of service rendering and consulting in International Trading, are the objective of this article. Being the main objective, to understand the compliance methods adopted by the company for information security that it treats daily of its clients. For that, a descriptive analysis was carried out in the company on the subject. Finally, there is an irreversible movement through mechanisms to control the information used by clients, to minimize fraudulent actions and risks of the most diverse types.       

Author Biographies

Silvana Chiaretto, Universidade Fumec

Professora e orientadora de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso da Universidade Fumec. Coordenadora da pós-graduação da FACE. Brasil.

Carolina Pinheiro Batista, Universidade Fumec

Professora e orientadora de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso da Universidade Fumec da Universidade Fumec - Lato sensus

Gustavo Rodrigues Barbosa, Universidade Fumec

Aluno do MBA em Finanças Corporativas e Controladoria



How to Cite

CHIARETTO, S.; BATISTA, C. P.; BARBOSA, G. R. Compliance in small and medium enterprises: a case study on the Aduaneira Company. Revista Metropolitana de Governança Corporativa (ISSN 2447-8024), [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 102–117, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

