O impacto dos fármacos indicados para o TDAH no processo de aderência terapêutica fonoaudiológica: revisão de literatura




Objective: To verify the impact of drugs indicated for ADHD in the speech therapy adherence process. Method: Systematic literature review in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and PubMed databases, using as inclusion criteria articles published in Brazilian Portuguese and English, indexed in the databases in the last 10 years and with free access full text with link to content, and as exclusion criteria theses, books, reports, internet texts such as blogs about the subject and articles that do not meet the objectives of the study. Results: 5 articles were included for analysis, the oldest from 2004 and the most recent from 2022, four articles in English and one in Portuguese, three prospective studies and two literature review studies. The studies evaluate the effects and impacts of drugs usually indicated for the treatment of ADHD in school-aged children and adolescents. Conclusion: MPH and LDX are the most indicated drugs in the treatment of ADHD, with greater patient adherence to LDX, with the most significant adverse reactions being decreased appetite and insomnia, which may be symptoms present during the training session. speech therapy. The literature was scarce, demonstrated the need to carry out studies aimed at the impact of medications indicated for ADHD in the speech therapy adherence process.

Descriptors: attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, methylphenidate​, speech therapy, treatment adherence and compliance

