
A psychoanalytic study of the body and society in contemporaneity


  • Marcos Luis do Valle Bandeira Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas
  • Helena Amstalden Imanishi


The following project sought to study and articulate specific psychoanalytical concepts to understand the development of bigorexia and the importance that is given to body image in contemporary society. Therefore, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), as well as the Mirror Stage, the concepts of bioascesis and bioidentity, and the body as consumer objects were studied. In order to reach our objective, the concepts that were introduced throughout this project were articulated with accounts of bigorexic subjects. As a means to fulfill the proposed objectives, bibliographical research and account analyses were done, and an exploratory orientation methodology was used. The results indicate that bigorexia manifests as a disorder disguised under the guise of health, disseminated, and trivialized by the media.

Author Biography

Helena Amstalden Imanishi

Psicóloga, mestre e doutora em Psicologia pelo Instituto de Psicologia da USP, nas áreas de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento (Adolescência) e Psicanálise, Especialista em Psicologia Hospitalar pelo HC FMUSP





Artigo Teórico