O descarte correto de resíduos sólidos e a biossegurança na estética


  • Geovanna Vieira FMU
  • Márcia Moreno FMU


With signs of growth, sales in the beauty and personal care sector increased about 10% in the
1st half of 2022 compared to the same period last year, according to a survey conducted by
the Brazilian Association of Toiletries, Perfumes and Cosmetics (ABIHPEC). Brazil is the fourth
largest market in the sector, behind only the United States, China, and Japan, and in Latin
America it is the main market, with a 49.1% share.
With this scenario, sustainability, biosafety and concern about the correct disposal of
packaging, disposable materials and cosmetics become of fundamental importance, and are
part of a global trend that worries about the environment. This work aims to raise data on the
actions and perception of professional beauticians and cosmetologists regarding the correct
disposal of waste in order to minimize the risks to which professionals and patients are
susceptible, emphasizing the need for safe biological conditions that provide a suitable
environment for work and performance.
Key-words: Biosafety; Esthetics; Health; Environmental health.

