Fitoterápicos na medicina ayurveda


  • Fabiola Barrella FMU
  • Amanda Padoveze FMU


This article has as its central theme the use of herbal medicines in Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic medicine has existed for over 5,000 years based on the philosophy of self-knowledge and diagnosis of Doshas. In order to adapt to the exercise of Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PICS) by the nutritionist, it is understood that it is necessary to research the principles of Ayurveda medicine and one of its pillars of treatment – herbal teas. Bibliographic research was used, and a descriptive study was carried out on the subject, seeking proven scientific knowledge about the therapeutic use of herbs in the human body and comparing it with the indications for Ayurveda medicine. Three brands of Dosha pacifying teas sold on the market and their composition were studied to find scientific proof of the effect of herbs in the process of pacifying the Dosha in imbalance. The conclusion is that the teas sold use the herbs suggested by Ayurvedic medicine, but there is a lack of information about the scientific names and amount used in each tea to prove the true action of herbal herbs in the pacification of the Doshas.

Author Biography

Amanda Padoveze, FMU

Professora orientadora e Coordenadora do curso de Graduação de Nutrição do Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas-FMU.






Artigo Teórico