A contribuição da leitura orofacial na comunicação do surdo


  • FMU
  • Adriana Marques da Silva


Communication is an indispensable element for human and social development. Hearing loss is an impacting change in the life of the deaf, bringing difficulties and barriers in the interaction, understanding and comprehension of speech. Therefore, deaf people use communication strategies, such as orofacial reading, a facilitating mechanism that allows them to visually understand speech sounds. Objectives: to investigate the benefits of orofacial reading in the communication of the deaf and the techniques for promotion and development in speech therapy rehabilitation. Method: study carried out through narrative literature review, through virtual health databases such as Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), by crossing the descriptors: reading speech, speech perception, communication and rehabilitation of the hearing impaired, in Portuguese, with a periodicity of ten years (2012-2022). Results: evidenced the importance and benefit of orofacial reading in the communication of the deaf. However, the literary findings were not enough to promote and develop orofacial rehabilitation in speech-language hearing. Conclusion: orofacial reading the use of auditory information. Literary findings support its benefit and the importance of its integration into auditory training. Keywords: Lip reading. Speech Perception. Communication. Rehabilitation.





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