Anxiety, depression and stress as neuropsychological effects of managing the conflict between the professional and personal environment in times of remote work


  • Thiago Ferrara FMU


Abstract: The main objective of this research is to analyze the available literature and present questions about possible benefits and the neuropsychological effects unfolded such as stress, depression and anxiety, due to the conflict in managing aspects of work and home through the advent of the COVID 19 pandemic. The methodology of this research stands out for its descriptive format, whose detailed evaluation is presented from the bibliographic design, with the treatment of data observed in a qualitative way. A time frame is applied to the research, considering the period from 2019 to 2022 and searching the Scientific Electronic Library Online databases - Scielo, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences - Lilacs and Electronic Journals in Psychology - Pepsic. The results show considerable impacts on the mental health of workers in Home Office, influenced by the impossibility of adapting and preparing for this type of work.
Descriptors: mental health, organization, telework, review literature

