National Curricular Common Base, critical essay 8, research curriculum, technical curriculumAbstract
Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) was ratified in December 2017 by the Ministry of Education. The critical reading of the BNCC, especially sciences subjects of the final years of Basic Education generated the present essay. At BNCC there is contradiction between curriculum proposals. There are excerpts with a critical curricular proposal engaged in socio-scientific environmental issues. However in the majority of the BNCC offers a technicist curriculum. This is due to the numerous skills in the science subjects in the final years of Elementary School, which lack clarification of the investigative mode of applying them. At the BNCC, the Science Tecnology Society Environment issues (STSE) is understood mainly in a reductionist way, due to the lack of clarification of anthropic action in natural disasters, nor the clashes between specialists and social demands in the historical process of Sciences. There is deletion of the minority differences in the BNCC, since it considers that all the students of the final years of the Elementary School are in the same degree of intellectual abstraction.
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