Partial prosthesis fixed adolescence


  • Sérgio Spezzia Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo.


adolescent, adolescent behavior, denture, partial, fixed, mouth rehabilitation.


In adolescence have been some oral health problems that generate concerns because the future repercussions that can cause. Tooth loss in this period will have to be replaced by fixed partial dentures. The aim of this paper was to examine how the use of proceeds fixed partial prosthesis by adolescents who had tooth loss. A bibliographic survey was carried out with search in the databases: LILACS, PubMED, Scopus of studies that dealt with the use of fixed partial dentures by adolescents. We included studies in the English and Portuguese languages of national and international journals. It was also considered notes of books, monographs, dissertations and theses that had the same theme. We exclude studies that had content aimed at the use of fixed partial dentures at other ages, other than adolescence, such as adulthood. From these losses, should rehabilitate these prosthetics edentulous spaces until the time of eruption of permanent teeth. The prosthesis will tend to restore chewing, speech, and the aesthetic component, enabling further rescue the self-esteem in these individuals. It was concluded that adopting preventive measures, guiding these adolescents about the care they need to perform for satisfactory oral hygiene, can improve oral health conditions, avoiding injuries, such as dental losses and subsequent replacement by fixed prosthetic elements.

Author Biography

Sérgio Spezzia, Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo.

Cirurgião Dentista. Especialista em Adolescência para Equipe Multidisciplinar e Mestre em Pediatria e Ciências Aplicadas í  Pediatria pela Escola Paulista de Medicina – Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Membro do Corpo Editorial da Revista Uningá Review e do Brazilian Journal of Surgery and Clinical Research.



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