
  • Marco Aurélio Fragnan Fernandes Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas FMU
  • Bianca Trovello Ramallo Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas FMU
  • Luis Felipe Tubagi Polito Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas FMU


caffeine, ergogenic, lipolysis, physical exercise, performance.


Introduction: Caffeine is present in many products consumed daily including guarana, mate, chocolate, coffee, some soft drinks, tea and some medications. In order to alleviate fatigue and prolong physical exercise, caffeine has been singled out and used as a nutritional ergogenic aid able to promote such action. Objective: To discuss the effects of caffeine on performance of anaerobic power. Method: Working with literature review having as a source of research articles published in national and international journals. Articles were excluded linking caffeine intake with aerobic exercise (low intensity and long duration). Discussion: Although more recent studies on the subject show that the intake of 6mg of caffeine per kilogram of total body mass (6mg/kg) improves the performance increase in sports anaerobic characteristics due to the increasing strength along with improved resistance to fatigue muscle. Conclusion: are still not clear the effects and mechanisms of action of caffeine, it is suggested that this improvement is more related to caffeine action in the Central Nervous System (CNS) which by its peripheral action.


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Artigo Teórico