Anatomical study of the superficial of the elbow in young adults


  • Leandro Nobeschi Faculdades de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo - FCMSCSP, Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU, Universidade de Santo Amaro - Unisa
  • Leonardo Augusto Lombardi Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU, Universidade de Santo Amaro - Unisa.
  • Rafael Eidi Goto Faculdades de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo - FCMSCSP
  • Bergman Nelson Sanchez Munhoz Faculdades de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo - FCMSCSP, Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE.
  • Homero José de Farias e Melo Faculdades de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo - FCMSCSP, Centro Universitário São Camilo.


Morphology, superficial vein of the elbow, venipuncture.


Introduction: in the cubital fossa superficial venous provision deserves due attention to its clinical applications, such as administration of parenteral solutions or blood samples. Our objective was to describe the surface anatomy of the vessels of the cubital fossa. Methods: study 1100 cubital fossa, assessing the path and the arrangement of the superficial veins. We measured the average distance between the cephalic vein and basilica at the time of the cubital crease, and the formation of v. intermediate elbow. Results: In our sample the vv. cephalic and basilica were present in 100%. The v. intermediate elbow has a formation of 63.18% type I; 28.63% of type II and 8.18% absent. Comparing the gender difference was observed between the distance of vv. cephalic and basilica. Conclusions: v. intermediate forearm is found frequently and often flows in the veins of the cubital fossa. The surface anatomy of the study makes it easy for venous procedures in this specific area.


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Experimental Article