Inhibitory Factors in the Organic Food Purchase for Health Benefit
Organic food, Health preservation, Price sensitivity, Perceived availability, Lack of product knowledge.Resumo
Purpose: Several studies show factors that have a positive impact on the buying behavior of organic foods. Regarding the factors that inhibit the consumption of this type of product, considered an option for maintaining health, few investigations are perceived, both in national and international literature. This investigation aimed to measure which influence price sensitivity, perceived availability and lack of product knowledge can have on inhibiting the intention to buy organic food for health maintenance.
Design/methodology/approach: It was used a quantitative descriptive and inferential approach, using the online survey as a research strategy.
Findings: From the theoretical point of view, in addition to pointing out the negative impact of price sensitivity on the intention to purchase organic food, the research showed the results inconsistent with the theoretical framework that demonstrate an inclination towards reflective purchase of organic food.
Originality/value: The findings point to a new awareness in food consumption, indicating that consumers may be willing to give up convenience, in addition to autonomously seeking information that best subsidizes their food choices. In practice, the results suggest the need to reduce costs for the offer of what would be a fair price for producers and consumers.
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