

grounded theory, knowledge taxonomy, knowledge management,


Knowledge is one of the most important assets in organizations. While there are several studies about knowledge management, there are few texts dedicated to classifying the existing types of knowledge in the organizational context. As such, the concept of knowledge is still overlooked in the organizational literature. Hence, this situation poses a dilemma: how could a thing that is not well understood to be adequately managed? Drawing on current knowledge taxonomies and the organizational routines concept, we address this gap by outlining a taxonomy of how knowledge manifests in the execution and structuration of organizational routines. This taxonomy is generated through the grounding process of examining the organizational routines of an academic department in a public university. As the main result, there are proposed four basic types of knowledge: stable-reproducible, problem-solving, incremental-shift, and paradigmatic-shift. As the main theoretical contribution, this paper introduces a knowledge taxonomy, which is an alternative view of the current taxonomies. As a practical implication, these four types of knowledge presented suggests the necessity of the development of specific knowledge management practices for each type of knowledge.


Biografia do Autor


Professor Associado da UFOP;

Dr. em Engenharia de Produção, UFSCar

Pos-Doutorado em Administração UFMG

Luciana Paula Reis, UFOP

Dra. Administração, UFMG

Profa. Adjunta,

Departamento de Engenharia de Produção -

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto


Alana Deusilan Sester Pereira, UFOP

Dra. Administração FGV-SP
Profa. Adjunta,

Departamento de Engenharia de Produção -

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto


June Marques Fernandes, UFOP

Dr. Administração, FGV-SP

Prof. Adjunto,

Departamento de Engenharia de Produção -

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto



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